An AI software for spine analysis enables automatic segmentation for MRI results.
Able to segment the intervertebral disc, dura sac, and bones in both sagittal and axial views within a few seconds.

Low Back Pain is one of the most common illnesses of modern lifestyle that is affecting millions around the world. It is often caused by intervertebral disc diseases, such as degeneration and herniation.

The current diagnostic process is not only time-consuming but also relies heavily on the doctor's experience to accurately identify the lesions, and different doctors may provide varying diagnostic results. Diverse medical practitioners might suggest different medications and treatments, potentially leading to unnecessary medication side effects and surgeries.
Our deep learning network enables automatic segmentation of the spinal canal, vertebral bodies, and intervertebral discs. RadiSpine quickly assesses patients’ conditions, significantly simplifying your clinical workflow.

With RadiSpine
Our AI system automates the transmission of MRI image results directly from the MRI counsel to the RadiSpine service for algorithmic analysis and segmentation.
Through quantified data, both doctors and patients can gain a more intuitive understanding of the patient's spinal condition. With access to quantified data, doctors can make quicker and more accurate diagnostic assessments.